50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Thursday, October 8, 2009


"No one but us ourselves-no one can and no one way. We ourselves must walk the path, teachers merely show the way." Nancy Wilson Ross

This quote goes hand in hand with the last quote I chose about "walking the path." Yes, we as educators undoubtedly walk the path-we are role models for students. In terms of good character, we guide students by teaching them character traits, decision making skills, right from wrong, and about consequences for their decisions. Ultimately, students make their own decisions and must therefore accept responsibility for any consequences, positive or negative, that arise from their decisions! They must have the will to succeed in life!

image: theteachingpalette.com

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