"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe
This quote is exactly how I fell everyone should be to each other. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. We should give our students the benefit of the doubt when it comes to respect because it is a two way street. Aside from respect when you address someone with the dignity they deserve they will eventually act more to the part they are perceived as (especially when its a positive perception).
For some odd reason this quote reminds me of a couple Disney movies and songs. Like Pocahontas' song color of the wind. This songs talks about people who think they know everything and those who think they own things. Her message is a reminder that everything belongs to itself and no other and that everyone is connected somehow so the treatment should be just so. And not to judge someone for who you think they are; find out more about them from that person; don't assume.
Awesome job on the presentation everyone! and thanks to Yollie and Dar for putting the slides together even at the very moment!!
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