50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today's Reflection

I just want to comment on all the moodling and blogging this week. I am not a computer/tech type person. I own a laptop but I am not attached to it. I don't own a cell phone so I don't know how to text or enter data or take pictures. When I did have one, I put it in my purse and then left the purse in the car. I drove my kids crazy. When I do have to use a cell phone, I always let the owner dial the number or I disconnect something. I then I forget to hang up so ..... Are you getting the picture? I use my laptop for very practical purposes: to complete my assignments for both work and for school, to check my email once a day and to respond to those that need it and sometimes I use it to listen to music. That's all. I don't facebook, myspace or twitter and I don't shop ebay. So it is a real challenge for me to spend so much time online. I suppose I am old fashioned and prefer the face to face form of communication but there are are advantages to the internet. I can send my grandsons a video email. I get to send pictures that I don't have developed and I like the notion of finding valuable educational resources on line. It's also great for finding long lost friends as I discovered not too long ago. I just don't like spending so much time on the internet when I could be reading a really good book (like my literacy assessment book, lol and my literacy text lol(er), gardening, making cards, or being with my grandkids. I probably just broke all kinds of rules using those computer whatschacallems on this blog entry.

The photo I've attached is one I took in Caesarea, Israel. It is one of the last original aqueducts left in the world.


  1. Faye, we have a lot in common when it comes to technology. We are still getting our feet wet. I use my cell phone for the main purpose of having a phone-to make calls. I rarely used the internet or check my e-mails until recently. That is why I wanted to take this course. Now I have more reason to get online and learn how to use internet tools for educational resources, lessons, and activities. I want to eventually be... "tech savvy!"

  2. Faye,

    Hang in there! There's no doubt that after completing this course, you will be amazed of how your schema will increase on instructional technology! There's a purpose for everything we do in this course, and you'll learn to appreciate it. Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera

  3. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am really working on changing my attitude about technology.
