50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Albert Einstein

"Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become
a man of value.
The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. "
- Albert Einstein

This quote got me stumped because it is something that is better explained when seen being done rather than just hearing it. This quote has some relation to what I have been told growing up. That it is you who make your name and not your name making you.

So with that said, one must be aware of all aspects in their life from everything that surrounds them and all that is required of them. The idea of making your name, is all the extras after that. It's the little things that really count; like volunteering at a children's hospital as a clown or even carrying someones groceries to their car. Those little things are so much remembered than you creating Post- its or becoming the next Donald Trump.

Sure, those big things get you fame and riches but the rest of the population would only want that from you, they won't care to look for you if it were not for your money. But if you are a man of real value to them, then they would care for your wisdom and presence.

* I'm not really good at translating quotes, so I hope I made some sense.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I make it a point to remind myself of where I came from and hold on to my values. I teach my children to cherish their values too.
