50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Faye's 2nd Web Address Entry

Whether you like the Beatles or not, here is a super great site for ESL teachers in Middle and High School. As literacy builders, one of the proven ways we help students develop their reading and writing skills and their comprehension is by using the Method of Repeated Reading. There are many ways that repeated reading can be implemented which includes, but is not limited to rhyme, chants, and songs. If you are an ESL teacher and can’t think of a lesson to teach, this site will give you some really great ideas. You can use what’s available or you can create your own, borrowing from the ideas on this site. There are 9 songs and each song is accompanied by the lyrics, an audio clip, questions related to each song, links to worksheets and the Babylon Dictionary. I invite you to explore this site and see how much it has to offer. You will love it and so will your students. http://www.braam.ik.org/
(image by google images)


  1. Hey Faye,
    I have enjoyed reading your posts on effective literacy websites. I am curious to know, how are you finding all these great sites?

  2. I always look forward to your posts, Faye. I will check out this site a bit more as majority of my students are ESL, or come from homes where their native language is predominantly spoken.
