50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Thursday, September 24, 2009


“Motivating gets you going and habit gets you there.  Make motivating a habit and you will get there more quickly and have more fun on the trip.” ~ Zig Ziglar

This quote brings to mind the importance of developing good habits, in fact, the author suggests to “make motivating a habit”.  What a fresh and inspirational idea! 


It was great that we were given the opportunity to work on our CMS in-class tonight.  I felt a bit motivated to finally see my CMS materialize and now feel that I am somewhat one fourth into personalization.  In addition, the momentum of motivation followed since I got a jump-start towards the beginning of the tedious assignment of developing our Personal Technology Blog.  Well folks, it looks as if though I should continue this coursework by subscribing to the above mentioned quote, and that is to “make motivating a habit” so that I will reach target at the given dead line!  

Image:  images.google.com

Class Reflection

Tonight, I really appreciated the time for going over the assignments. I am more sure of what is expected and my anxiety has been relieved. I know, now that I fully understand what I am required to complete and that I am heading in the right direction. This makes for a more positive outlook with my assignments. Thank you ED 638 class for your patience, your support and your encouragement
(image by google images)

My Quote of the Day

"Whatever task you undertake, do it with your heart and soul. Always, be courteous, never be discouraged. Beware of him who promises something for nothing. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures. Do not look for approval except the consciousness of doing your best."
Bernard Mannes Baruch

I strongly agree with this quote I chose from Dr. Rivera. I needed to read this quote most especially on the part where it says never be discouraged. It's hard not to ever feel this way but no matter what we will get through all the challenges in life. There is never a problem without a solution. We are the one to blame ourselves for the choices we make and no one else. That's why it's important to always think smartly and do our best in life to be successful people.

Don't Give Up Too Soon!

"Nothing could be worse that the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world." Jane Adams

This quote means that I will never know and always wonder that I could have done someone or something some good if I had tried a little bit harder and not given up too soon. The goal is to give your best in every situation and don't throw in the towel too quickly.

"Seemingly Hopeless"

Quote: "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie

image: www.digitalmediabuzz.com

My interpretation of this quote is that people accomplish great things by continuing toward their goals or dreams. They have this inner drive that keeps them going even though it seems like they're on a winding road which leads to no where. Despite how difficult or how long the road was they didn't give up! With continued effort, they eventually made some progress which lead to more progress! The world would be a different place if people gave up easily!


"The worst bankrupt in the world is the man who has lost his enthusiasm. Let a man lose everything else in the world but his enthusiasm and he will come through again to success."
Try to find the bright side of everything that's difficult!

Change is Good

"Personal development is your springboard to personal excellence. Ongoing, continuous, non-stop personal development literally assures you that there is no limit to what you can accomplish."

-Brian Tracy

If a person takes the time to reflect on his/her life and decides to better themselves, they will realize that they can tackle more challenging tasks that they once felt were too difficult or intimidating at first.

As teachers, I think we have all experienced some sort of anxiety in our classroom. Sometimes we feel lost, afraid or unprepared for the content we teach. I've experienced this myself my first year of teaching, but after realizing that I studied to become a teacher, I started to collect myself and reflect on what I do in the classroom to improve myself as a teacher. Today, I hardly feel the anxiety from my first year of teaching. I know I'm doing much better than before and I look forward to coming to work and seeing how well I can teach my students that day.

I felt relieved today in class as I am almost finished with my CMS and IRA site 2. I just need to tinker with more internet tools now and prepare for the Language Arts Conference. Hopefully, we'll all do well with our presentations.

Image borrowed from: http://www.extremebodyworkout.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/tony-horton.jpg

Climbing Mt. LamLam


"It is easy to get to the top after you get through the crowd at the bottom." Zig Ziglar

No this does not mean that to step on others to get where you are at. It actually means that you have Educated yourself. With many new experiences, you would have to do a lot of leg work. After all the hard work has been completed, you have a wealth of experiences and knowledge behind you. You started at step zero and climbed up to Mount Lam Lam.

My wealth of experience with Internet Tools was zero. Now, I think I am one third of the way up the mountain. I have worked on rcampus to create my course work. At this time, I need to simplify and tweak my assignments in order to be ready for next week.
The other internet tool I decided to explore was teachertube. This school year, I have a high number of students who are visual learners and may benefit from the educational clips. My third selection is Google earth. I plan to spruce up my Social Studies lessons by using the 3D effects. I am still climbing.


Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

Great accomplishments depend not so much on ingenuity as on hard work. This is a saying of the American inventor Thomas Edison.

It takes just a moment to be inspired but it is hard work, thorough planning, late nights, patience, and determination to fulfill the thought.

Video taken from http://www.youtube.com/

This video is a great idea for new drivers and the person who invented this used his head to the fullest. Wish it was available here.

Today's class was very relieving! I was happy to hear that I was on the right track with my LMS. So now I am working on my technology blog assignment. Thanks for all your support!

$1 goes a long way...

"The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed." -Henry Ford

We are all guilty of being selfish at one point or another. If a businessman is creating a small business or project, wants to take shortcuts here and there to save a few cents, his business may in the short/long run fail. Unlike the business man who will stretch his dollar,sacrifice, to make his business successful and really towards his target audience.
How I interpret this quote, as an educator, is success is seen when we focus on the needs of the student instead of seeing it as 'another day, another dollar'-meaning 'ok, let's do the basics and get by today'. When we take time and see what can we do to help an individual, follow through, the end result is a success.

My Reflection

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.

Arthur Ashe

Today was a bit of a working session. Much of the class time was used working on whatever assignments that we needed to get done. The focus of my work was the class management system. My unit is going to be centered around poet/author Shel Silverstein and subjects that are related to his stories and poems. For example, an activity (hopefully, depending on if I can find one or not) on the environment, which relates to The Giving Tree and Susie Stout Take the Garbage Out. So far so good.

I appreciate the above quote mainly because it's short but I also feel it's relate able for many teachers. A prepared lesson is delivered with confidence, every teacher know this. The same is true for life. If you are prepared for life, you'll go through it with confidence.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Class Management and Quote

I thought I was very productive during tonight's class. I was able to upload an activity and a quiz on my online class management system. I am using Class Central and I was having difficulty uploading my assignments and quizes. Thanks to Dr. Rivera, I was able to figure out what I was doing incorrectly. Now, I should be able to complete the assignment without encountering any difficulties.

My quote, " If we don't start, It's certain we can't arrive." by Zig Ziglar
My interpretation of the quote is: If you never try or start to accomplish a goal or a task, you will never see the light at end of the tunnel.

Image: www.google.com

"Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent."
Sophia Loren

Some people believe that they were born to be teachers, while others go to school to learn how to be teachers. This belief is obvious in the way a teacher conducts herself/ himself. Going to work everyday to impress upon young minds that knowledge is paramount can be physically and mentally draining. To wake up the next day with the same drive and commitment is indicative of a teacher born to teach. A teacher who was taught to teach may face the same strains, but with the likelihood of a burnout. Then again there are those teachers who were taught to never give up,or to never admit failure. These teachers exemplify success in purest of forms: a student's smile because they understand.

Clipart source: google.com

A Never Ending Adventure ~LEARNING~

"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." -- Richard Bach

Today in class we got to see examples of what is expected for our Personal Technology Blog Development. At least now, I have an idea how to go about getting my Personal Technology Blog started and finalized, despite having just a few ideas. The more the better. Days are going by so quick that I was unaware that we had a presentation next class meeting. I have to get busy this weekend and get some work accomplished.

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Internet Tools

I have chosen three internet tools to explore and discuss in my personal technology blog. I just wanted to share a bit about one of the Internet tools that I already use on a regular basis.

OpenOffice is a free office application suite, very similar to the Microsoft Office Suite, that is available for a wide variety of operating systems. It supports over 80 languages and numerous file formats, including Microsoft Office formats.

I first used OpenOffice a few years ago when I had to reinstall my operating system. Most computer owners know that while Microsoft Office is included in the original system, the disk is not included in the original software bundle. I had a difficult time tracking down someone who could lend me their disk (this, by the way, is somewhat legally questionable as well!), so I had to resort to searching for an office application online.

OpenOffice has its Microsoft Office counterparts (e.g. Writer - Microsoft Word, Calc - Excel, Impress - PowerPoint). While OpenOffice's user interface is different from the Microsoft Office interface, an intermediate computer user will have no problem adapting to the nuances of the open source program. To give a simple example of one of the differences, "Font" is called "Character" in OfficeOffice, but it is similarly placed under the drop down menu for "Format" on the main bar.

OpenOffice is free of charge and updates are always developed to continuously improve the application. OpenOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office, especially if a lab does not have a budget for software and has computers running on open-source OS such as Linux (also free!).

If you are interested in OpenOffice, check out their website (http://www.openoffice.org/), and stay tuned for my submission to my personal blog later this semester.

(Image: OpenOffice.org)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Night of Exploration

“We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.”

 John Hope Franklin


This evening felt like a night of exploration:  First, was the in-depth exploration of my chosen Course Management System, next was the exploration of my true interests regarding Internet tools and finally, the exploration of a literacy website for our next International Reading Association Newsletter. 

Quote: http://thinkexist.com

Image: http://images.google.com


A goal properly set is halfway reached.

Zig Ziglar

I usually find the short quotes to be the most inspirational. You can get anywhere if you don't know where you're going. Goals are extremely important and properly set goals have a plan of achieving them.

It seemed that the theme of this week was exploration. Exploring literacy websites and internet tools were some tasks of this week. Its amazing to spend some much time on the internet and not really know what educational resources exsist. This was a pretty good experience so far to have a chance to get a taste of the possibilities.

Writer's Block

This week's Literacy Website review gave me a serious case of writer's block. Not only did I have trouble locating a really good website but after I found one that sparked my interest, I had the hardest time transfering my thoughts to print. In the end, I managed to get it done, hopefully it meets Dr. Rivera's standards. I am completing my work on my online Class Management System and will be ready for presentations on October 1st. I wonder how everyone is progressing, did anyone suffer from writer's block this week? See you all next class session!

Image: www.google.com

Today's Reflection

I just want to comment on all the moodling and blogging this week. I am not a computer/tech type person. I own a laptop but I am not attached to it. I don't own a cell phone so I don't know how to text or enter data or take pictures. When I did have one, I put it in my purse and then left the purse in the car. I drove my kids crazy. When I do have to use a cell phone, I always let the owner dial the number or I disconnect something. I then I forget to hang up so ..... Are you getting the picture? I use my laptop for very practical purposes: to complete my assignments for both work and for school, to check my email once a day and to respond to those that need it and sometimes I use it to listen to music. That's all. I don't facebook, myspace or twitter and I don't shop ebay. So it is a real challenge for me to spend so much time online. I suppose I am old fashioned and prefer the face to face form of communication but there are are advantages to the internet. I can send my grandsons a video email. I get to send pictures that I don't have developed and I like the notion of finding valuable educational resources on line. It's also great for finding long lost friends as I discovered not too long ago. I just don't like spending so much time on the internet when I could be reading a really good book (like my literacy assessment book, lol and my literacy text lol(er), gardening, making cards, or being with my grandkids. I probably just broke all kinds of rules using those computer whatschacallems on this blog entry.

The photo I've attached is one I took in Caesarea, Israel. It is one of the last original aqueducts left in the world.

Word Smatter!

"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Carol Buchner

I am reminded by these words that words matter. But more so, how the words are delivered is what that really counts. Words are simply words but the intonation, the inflections, and/or the volume in which they are spoken can really have a lasting negative or positive effect on someone. I like to think that I am passionate about people and things I believe in and I tend to get "passionate" when I defend those beliefs or to try to sway another into my stream of thought, but that is not an excuse to hurt someone because of it. So, I have to make a concerted effort to watch how I deliver my words.

Be Yourself

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

To be able to be who we are and not change for society is in fact a great accomplishment.
I feel that now a days kids are basing their image on what they see on TV, magazines, or their surroundings. I work with a lot of kids who find embarrassment in the littlest things: like answering a question or even answering it correctly. Hopefully as teachers, or anyone who comes in contact with kids like this, will be able to let them know that there is nothing wrong with being yourself; if a mistake is made we simply learn from it.

Have Fun Acting

"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theatre." -- Gail Goldwin

I interpret this quote as having students have fun learning through acting. I think that when a teacher performs in front of the students he/she is able to paint a picture for them and thus grasp their attention better than by a simple lecture.

I believe that when you plan and perform in front of your students it makes learning fun. All of us have had many different teachers over the course of our lives and for me the teachers that often performed and acted during lessons were the teachers that made me want to learn. I enjoy putting on a performance for my lessons and I believe that it helps my students become more interested with the content being taught. I also believe that acting in front of students helps brighten up one's day as it makes teaching feel much more fun and much less like work.

Tasting Banquet

"We should not teach children the sciences but give them a taste for them." -- Jean Jacques Rousseau

My definition of this quote is just with one word, exploration!" I think that if you give these kids a chance to think at all angles of what you want them to learn then they will be interested in it versus forcing the interest on them. The subject I teach is not your core academic therefore gaining the interest of the students is pretty hard. I have learned to not give them the whole lecture on how or why it is this way but instead I give them scenarios in how it would be beneficial to them if they knew more about the subject.
So to help with this tasting banquet, I have pictures, books of all sorts, toys, and even student exchanges to get them interested in learning the language with meaning to them. Hey, I would be bored if I had to just sit and listen to someone talk to me about another language.
This quote reminds me of what my former students talk about when I bump into them. They talk about how weird my lessons were but how it helped them to grasp the language in the long run. They also talk about how colorful the class was and how they had compared it to an elementary styled room. I know it may seem like I'm boasting but it really feels good to see your students exceed or have some kind of direction after high school. Most especially when they let you know that it was that one talk you had with them or even with an activity that got them hooked on their success at hand. I am proud to say that I have had students come back and tell me that they have jobs or got into a school they wanted because of my "little" influence. I believe that if you spoon feed the information tot hem then they will never get the big picture but if you grant them the tools to work with they can find their way.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

I believe if you hold your students to the same standard as you would any other person, irregardless of the fact that they are your student,you challenge your student to uphold the role of becoming a respectable person. Belittling or embarrassing a child to discipline them undermines their ability to be the best that they ought to be. Considering the fact that these students are our future, I would do myself an injustice by not nurturing their abilities.

Quote source: http//hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Clipart source: www.google.com

Grow, Educate, and be Educated


"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

As teachers we find ourselves educating our students academically. However, there are times where teachers may assist students with developing self-esteem and help students discover who they are. I have observed many actions and behaviors abnormal for a certain age. I would take a step back and analyze the situation. Like a jig-saw puzzle, I would connect the pieces carefully.

The assignments are just like a puzzle. I have to carefully analyze the resources and connect the pieces to a useful meaning.

I am exploring the internet tools of Hot Chalk, Rcampus, and teacher tube. I recently found out that my school has adopted an internet tool. I would like to look into this and share my findings.

Happy Surfing everyone! Enjoy surfing the net!

Let's Get Involved!!

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

As I was browsing through all the wonderful quotes, this caught my eye and I immediately thought of Dr. Rivera. I guess it was the word "involve" (smile). Since I met Dr. Rivera, I have been "involved" in meetings and associations and classes and....shall I go on? She's a busy bee and to this day I am puzzled on how she manages her time!! Maybe if I continue to be "involved" in her classes and meetings and associations, maybe I will Learn how to manage my time!

have fun...

"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are dong." -Dale Carnegie

FUN is a necessary ingredient in success. People must have the passion, the drive to accomplish any goal they are trying to reach.
Even if it's just school work. If I am not enjoying a topic or a paper, I won't finish it the way I would want to because I am just not interested in it.
So, find the fun in all you do.

(Image Source: www.google.com)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This class is really interesting. I feel like I am really learning alot about how to better manage the class through the use of technology. RCampus is a bit challenging, but I hope to figure it out this week and use it as my management tool. Looking at the syllabus I feel a bit overwhelmed, but I know I can do it. Wish me luck.
Clipart source: www.google.com

I Narrowed Down some Choices

Okay everyone, I narrowed my online course Management down to Class Central. Thank you everyone who selected this website...majority rules. I figured it would be easier to trouble shoot a website that fellow classmates are using. I do agree that the samples shown in class were very persuasive.
My next mission was to narrow down my multicultural theme. I have selected the stories of Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters and The Talking Eggs to create my lessons. My next mission will be to find online resources to use or up-load my resources. I am also thinking about adding a local legend.

The IRA weekly project had me surfing and linking all over the place. I basically turned to my children and asked them what they found to be exciting and useful. After all, they are the targeted audience that will benefit from the assignment. Now, my children have to surf the Internet and report to me. A whole LOT of interesting learning going on this semester.

Happy Moodle Day

I was a little unsure of our first IRA Newsletter Weekly Project Assignment in which we are required to provide info about an effective literacy website. I think I pulled it off but I suppose I will just have to wait for feedback on it, like everyone else, to see if I nailed the requirements.

Also, today is our first Moodleroom day! What do you guys think about it?

(Image source: Google Images, www.glasbergen.com)

Image Happy

There was much exploration done for internet tools and the IRA effective literacy website assignment. I enjoyed my journey through the internet. However, I told myself that today I will try to put an image on my blog. I spent a lot of time searching for the right picture that I lost track of time. This goes to show that using the internet is very time-consuming especially when there is a world of wonder out there! I chose this image because I am finally getting a better handle on using the computer (laptop) for purposes other than word documents!

clipart from google image

Progressing Slowly But Surely

Last class was very informative. I appreciated being able to view samples of Course Management Systems designed by former students. It gave me an idea of what is expected in developing my own Course Management System. Because I am a visual and tactile learner, I need as much examples, guidance, and practice with the various internet tools as I can possibly get. At this point in time I still haven't reached that comfort level yet with using the internet tools, but I'm working on it.

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." Frank Lloyd Wright

In order for me to reach my goal in this class, I know that I need to put forth the effort and time to succeed.

I need to do some homework!

Hello all,

It's been a pretty hectic week for me conjuring up lesson plans, activities, grading papers, getting ready for open house, but all this work has given me ideas for my CMS! I am still debating whether I will use HotChalk or RCampus, I get a little frustrated fiddling around with the sites. I'll probably make an alternative account as I familiarize myself with the sites. As for my first effective literacy website, I visited Http://www.funschool.com. I found this site to be very entertaining as I tried out some of the game activities and quizzes for different grade levels. The website is targeted for students PreK-6. I spent some time on the 5th and 6th grade level games and it turns out that I actually need to do some studying on my own because i scored 4/8 on one of the quizzes. It's embarassing, but it was also a wake up call for me to do more research on my subjects!

Sept 10th

Another week down and 14 more to go! The work has started for the semester long projects. So far it's going pretty good. I am currently beginning to work on the online course management assignment. I began with my mind on Hotchalk. I am not comfortable using on-line resources to develop lessons, so it's all pretty new to me. However, after seeing some of the samples presented in class last week, I leaning towards the site that they used. I'm a visual learner and it was a plus to see how the site functions in practice terms.

Organized Chaos

Let's start of the evening with a big HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII everyone!

Hmm.. I was a bit frustrated as to how in the world I was going to do today's assignment because I wasn't sure of what I needed to look for in these websites. What would make it a "good" site to use. But with much questioning and hair pulling I found (I think) what I was set out to search for. In my findings was one particular site that stood out, it was the reading rockets site; http://www.readingrockets.org/.

As for the CMS project I'm still in the mud but don't fret I'm coming out of it slowly. Torn between engrade and RC. Arghhhh too many choices!But then again who am I to say that because “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” (by Leonardo da Vinci)

Class Management Systems

After much consideration, I have decided to go with Class Central. At first, I had my heart set on using Hot Chalk but I had the hardest time manipulating through the site.I chose the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to be the focus of my unit. I have brainstormed my ideas for each subject area and came up with several activities and quizes that I want to use in the unit. I haven't though, gotten as far as applying it online. I will be sure to get it done though before next week. So how far has everyone else got?

Image by: google.com

Moodling for Sept 10 Assignment

Here's my contribution to the moodle session for tonight. I am having a time doing my course management system assignment. I am using Hotchalk which is pretty simple but I keep forgetting to save my information so when I click a link to add information, I lose what I had previously inputted. So tedious. I wish we were in class so that I could ask my questions face-to-face. So much quicker and more personal. Is anyone else using Hotchalk?

Reading is Fundamental, Inc prepares and motivates children to read by providing them with free books and literacy resources to children and their families who need them most. The RIF programs combine three essential elements to foster children’s literacy: reading motivation, family and community involvement, and the excitement of choosing free books to keep.
For the parent, the website offers links to help promote a literacy-rich home, articles and tips to encourage reading, motivational activities to do at home and web resources to explore for the different age groups. For the Educator, the website offers advice on how to promote reading in the classroom, articles on reading research, booklists and professional development programs. For the student, the website allows the child to link into games and activities that promote reading and writing.
As I explored this website, I found it to be very interactive and engaging. Educators, parents and students will find it friendly and resourceful. So if you’re interested come and check it out, it’s

Image: www.rif.org

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Faye's 2nd Web Address Entry

Whether you like the Beatles or not, here is a super great site for ESL teachers in Middle and High School. As literacy builders, one of the proven ways we help students develop their reading and writing skills and their comprehension is by using the Method of Repeated Reading. There are many ways that repeated reading can be implemented which includes, but is not limited to rhyme, chants, and songs. If you are an ESL teacher and can’t think of a lesson to teach, this site will give you some really great ideas. You can use what’s available or you can create your own, borrowing from the ideas on this site. There are 9 songs and each song is accompanied by the lyrics, an audio clip, questions related to each song, links to worksheets and the Babylon Dictionary. I invite you to explore this site and see how much it has to offer. You will love it and so will your students. http://www.braam.ik.org/
(image by google images)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Albert Einstein

"Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become
a man of value.
The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. "
- Albert Einstein

This quote got me stumped because it is something that is better explained when seen being done rather than just hearing it. This quote has some relation to what I have been told growing up. That it is you who make your name and not your name making you.

So with that said, one must be aware of all aspects in their life from everything that surrounds them and all that is required of them. The idea of making your name, is all the extras after that. It's the little things that really count; like volunteering at a children's hospital as a clown or even carrying someones groceries to their car. Those little things are so much remembered than you creating Post- its or becoming the next Donald Trump.

Sure, those big things get you fame and riches but the rest of the population would only want that from you, they won't care to look for you if it were not for your money. But if you are a man of real value to them, then they would care for your wisdom and presence.

* I'm not really good at translating quotes, so I hope I made some sense.

Faye's Posting

Have any of you young folks ever had days (or nights) when there is just too much information to process and your brain just sort of shuts down out of sheer defense? Tonight is one of those nights for me. Technology is a great thing but sometimes there's just too much information and my brain retaliates and just shuts down. Right now, I am not looking forward to the course management assignment but I know that once I get into it, I will end up feeling good about having accomplished something I haven't done before. So Devin, I will take a bite from your morsel of wisdom and not sit for too long. Dr. Rivera, thanks for the bits of wisdom at the end of the class. I needed to hear some of those quotes to keep me going.

Get up and do something

I found class to be very informative today. I think I will spend the weekend fiddling with some of the sites such as Hotchalk and RCampus and familiarize myself with them.

"Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing."
Zig Ziglar

If you want to learn you're going to have to get up and get involved with life and learn from your mistakes. If you sit down and do nothing you may miss out on much of what life has to offer.

Moodle, LiveText and Class Management Systems

Class today was very informative, we discussed Moodle, Live Text and Class Management Systems. I must admit at first I was confused about what it is we are suppose to do for the Class Management System. I am glad that Dr. Rivera was able to showcase a sample to us because now I have a better view of what it is I am suppose to do. Did anyone else seem confused? I originally wanted to work with HotChalk as my Class Management System but now I decided to go with ClassCentral because it seems more user friendly.


Today in class we did a review of the procedures of moodle and livetext. No matter how many times I've done courses that require us to use this online resources I always need a reminder on how to use them. This was a wonderful class session.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things"
Ben Franklin

No matter how difficult something seems if you try and keep trying it can be overcome.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My IRA Site for Sharing

TIME For Kids


This website provides the short online version of the weekly classroom news magazine, TIME For Kids. It features the week’s cover story and other current events in a way that motivates kids to read. The magazine has separate publications for the 3 elementary levels, K-1, 2-3 and 4-6. The magazines provide the same articles appropriate to the grade levels. For the teacher, there are quick links to access mini lessons, comprehension quizzes, and teacher guides and worksheets related to the featured articles. The site also provides teacher resources such as graphic organizers, worksheets, and printable quizzes. For the student, The Kid Site features current events, entertainment news, around the world topics (of which one feature provides a short list of words and phrases), and a link to homework helper. There is also a link to games that stimulate reading and writing skills. According to the publishers, this site is sure to “motivate students to read” and the current events can easily be integrated across the curriculum, including social studies, science and math. I opened up a few of the links and found this site to be very user friendly and the resources are useful as a springboard for other activities.

"The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job."
Zig Ziglar

It is the individual's internal drive that reveals their success.
The deeper you dig....more opportunities can be conquered. HOOAH

"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got."
-Jim Rohn
Nope. This is not me (although I wouldn't mind). First thought that came to mind- that diet that I keep going on and off. In deep thought I realize that the change that we want to see in the world, or in our kids, must first be made in ourselves.
Picture is courtesy of goggle.com

The Four C's

"Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence."
Walt Disney (1901-1966)

Motivational quotes are usually characterized by the summation of a concept into the fewest poignant words possible. And Walt Disney's quote about the secret to success is no exception.

Disney, the co-founder of a company that is now worth approximately $3.5 billion, is best known for his work in the entertainment industry, especially the creation of the some of the world's most popular fictional characters (Wikipedia).

Although Disney named four factors that he believed play an instrumental role in success, he named confidence as the greatest--to which I can very easily relate.

When undertaking new projects and striving to accomplish new goals, oftentimes a strong belief in one's capabilities and the eventual fruition of the endeavor itself allows for everything else to fall into place.

(Image source: Wikipedia)

Wow, I feel like a fish out of water.
Can't wait to learn these new internet resources!

Hafa Adai

Hi everyone! I'm excited to be in this class and to learn more about the internet. I am way behind and I hope I can keep up. :) I'm very eager to meet all of you!!! See you soon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nadine's First Blog

Hello! This is my very first BLOG ever! I am so excited about learning how to use the internet to teach. I'll be honest, I'm not computer savvy, but I'm willing to make the effort necessary to succeed. I feel nervous and a bit overwhelmed. However, I have confidence in our professor and fellow colleagues to guide me in the right direction. Sorry I missed class last Thursday due to my school's "OPEN HOUSE." I know I missed out on an opportunity to get the guidance I need. I definitely look forward to class this Thursday! See you there!