50 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers

URL: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers

Source: ripplemaker, Cebu, Philippines

Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to school...

Hafa Adai Everyone!  Looking forward to meeting you all next class meeting and learning about the different ways to teach with the internet.  Unfortunately, the school I teach at only has one classroom with internet access and it is only for high school students.  Hopefully by the time I get back in the classroom there will be changes made to this.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hello, I'm sorry for missing class this Thursday, but I will see you all next week. I am really looking forward to learning more about teaching with the internet. I believe that this class will help me become a more effective teacher and I hope to be able to teach my students to have fun with learning online.
Today was really exciting. I find that all I really need in order to get over my phobia of blogging is to just play with the site. I'm ok with the moodling but this blogging had me on edge. But, I think I'm getting it.
Clipart Source: www.google.com

Fall 2009 Semester

Looking forward to "Teaching with the Internet" with all of you this semester  :)

Clipart source:  www.google.com

First Day at ED 638

Teaching with the Internet learning more about interesting topics and techniques blogging, moodling and exploring various websites. Fun, fun, fun...hope this will be an exciting semester. Hopefully I catch up soon....I feel so behind missing one day. URG!

Hi Everyone,
I am looking forward to learning new and interesting techniques this semester from this class that I can apply in my classroom and to help me become a more technology inclined teacher. The best part about this class is that I get to work closely with each and everyone of you.



Good afternoon. I'm excited about all our scheduled activities for the semester and I look forward to reading everyone's blogs and feedback.

If I can be of assistance to anyone, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck!

(source: google.com)

Hello, All,

I am going to be really challenged to keep up with all of you but I am going to do my best to learn more about technology and how it can help me be a more effective and up-to-date teacher. The best part will be that I will have a very close and personal relationship with my laptop and I will be able to impress my "senior" friends with all my technology know how. So, here's to a very electric semester! Image by google image.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I missed class on Thursday. Just wanted to wish everyone luck on the upcoming semester.

Friday, August 21, 2009

ED 638 Classmates

Buenas! Looking forward to blogging, moodling, sharing, and learning the internet with Ya'll!

Good evening all! Looks like I'll be spending some "quality time" with my PC. We've got an awesome instructor so it shouldn't be too painful...see you all next week.

Clipart Source: www.google.com